How to run Authy on FreeBSD (unofficial)

It is possible to use the Authy app (unofficially) on FreeBSD, here’s how:

Install needed packages
In order to extract the files from the Windows executable we’ll need a utility such as 7zip, we’ll also need Electron installed to actually run Authy:

# pkg update && pkg upgrade
# pkg install 7z
# pkg install electron19

Download the Windows installer:
Download Authy Windows installer from website.

Extracting the files
Obviously change the filename for the version you downloaded:

# 7z x Authy\ Desktop\ Setup\ 2.1.1.exe

Once the windows files have extracted, we’ll then need to extract the package:

# 7z x authy-2.2.1-full.nupkg

Once all the files have been extracted from the package (there are many, we only need one) which includes all the windows electron stuff, we can find the file we need located at “lib/net45/resources/app.asar*”.

You should now be able to run this with electron:

$ electron19 app.asar

The app.asar file is the only one we need, copy the file to wherever you want to access it from, and rename it:

$ mv app.asar ~/authy.asar

Run it as before Electron.